воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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Hundreds of thousands of years ago 13 cylons were created by an ancient alien race that once visited earth. While on Earth, they observed primates, and manipulated their genetic material to create the cylons. They traveled to Kobol and left the 13 cylons there. 12 cylons became known as the 12 lords of Kobol, and one of the cylons traveled to earth. The 12 populated Kobol. They became the citizens of the 12 colonies. The single cylon populated Earth. The descendants of those that traveled to Earth became the human race (our human race). The final 5 are 5 of the original 12 cylons. They others somehow did not survive. Their memories were somehow programmed so that they didnrsquo;t know they were cylons.

The descendants wrongly believed that they were in fact human. They created the tin can type cylons. They rebelled. The first cylon war was fought. The tin can cylons created the skin jobs.

Another war will be fought in season 4.5. All of the tin can cylons and skin jobs will be killed. The people in the fleet will populate Earth. The new 13th colony.

The tin can and skin jobs still on Kobol will try to evolve skin jobs on Kobol to make them unique. Those will become the new citizens of the 12 colonies. They will rebel against the tin cans and skin jobs and win. Hundreds of thousands of years will pass and the people who were created as cylons but donrsquo;t know or think they are cylons will again populate the planets. They will create tin cans again and the cycle will repeat itself. So, everyone is a cylon. The only thing is the final 5 were in fact original cylons.

So thatrsquo;s pretty convoluted and not very well written, but thatrsquo;s my theory.

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