понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

decent homes in the private sector

Whoooosh Iapos;m pretty tired from today. Did some physical training, did leg-on-chair sit-ups, girl pumpings, lunges, two different kinds of steps. Steps totally murdered my legs. Played some basketball.

Tirrrrreeeeed. We played "hit-the-switch-with-ball" game. Strangely entertaining, hehe. No doubt people looking would think we were half-crazed, but welllll...

Today we had some sort of a inauguration of senior high for us. More like Senior High CCA Day. Laughed like mad in the lecture theater with Seeweiapos;s boy-crazy antics. Hahahaha. Pigteck hit my nose My flat, flat nose.
Yuanhaoapos;s so funny when heapos;s like all shy and stuff. Aww.
Seewei and Yuhding were laughing at my constant swearing because I am 2-fucking-centimeters short of joining Singapore Youth Flying Club. DAMMMMMMN ITTTTTTTTTTTT my dream of being a pilot is flushed down the lavatory.


Whyyyyyy the hell am I cursed with this dwarfish height????????

On top of that, my muscles are aching damn badly

ARRRRRRGH Woe is me, oh dearest mojojojo :(


Kenneh and Super Tsun bullied me today and made me hold the DIRTY() basketball all the way to Buona Vista MRT, and I still had to WAIT FOR THEM TO HAVE THEIR RAMLY BURGERS. I just literally sat there and tried to be distracted from the constant weird noises that Super Tsun was emitting to make me jealous. I was starrrrrving. Bad, bad people they are.


Anyway the weekend was good, balling + guitar lessons on Saturday and Escape Theme Park on Sunday. Last time balling at KKCC on Saturdays I know a certain somebody is super sad over it. Hehehe.

I played super badly that day. Scored almost NOTHING. Was quite disastrous, ending my balling@KKCC on Saturdays on such a shitty note... Will miss balling with Vernon(Doraeeeeemon), Miao, Timo(thy), Aik(sp?) and company... Ahhhh.

Guitar lesson was alright, but I played weirdly because I didnapos;t have a capo. Sounded really out of place amongst all the capo-ed guitars. Zany I still suck at playing guitar, hurhur.

Yesterday(Sunday) was half tiring, half fun. Escape Theme Park is quite boring, and about half the rides were closed for upgrading work or maintenance. However having excellent company saved the day. Cousinssssss ftw
Will put up pictures sooon, hopefully.

Zanyway I agreed to Bboying classes. I secretly hope Josh and Ervin are TRULY BEGINNERS, or I will murder them and steal their skills. Especially Ervinapos;s handstand imba-ness.

This is such a messy and colloquial post, hehe. Saaawwwwry.

decent homes in the private sector, decent homes act, decent homes 2010.

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